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Sunday 11 March 2012

Do You Need A File Encryption Program?

As the world becomes more advanced each day, it also seems to grow less and less secure. The creation of new virtual venues has also paved the way to the emergence of places where people can be victims of criminal activity such as fraud and identity theft. In the real world, people of high stature get the service of bodyguards and security forces. Would such protective measures also be beneficial for the world of data?
Most people think that data security is something that only large business entities would have to be concerned about. However, the Internet is an open channel can be accessed by anyone. And now that people are doing more personal matters through the internet, such banking shopping, sending confidential male and personal letters, it is probably just right for people to take more steps to keep their privacy and security.
The answer to this situation is file encryption, which is basically a more sophisticated and powerful manifestation of the age-old art of ciphering that has been used by humans throughout history. Do you actually need to take advantage of such programs that make your files secure through complicated encryption? Perhaps knowing more about file encryption would help you decide the right answer to this question. Free Scan! See how many errors your computer has, athttp://www.registry-cleaners-reviewed.info

What Exactly Is A File Encryption Program?

A file encryption program basically uses complex algorithms to create codes for file contents so people other than their intended recipients cannot easily read them. File encryption programs write messages, files, and other content into codes that can only be deciphered by persons who would have a decoder. It is somewhat similar to the way students write secret messages in class, they use different ways to manipulate messages in such a way that other people would not be able to understand them.
The big difference between the codes that people make and file encryption programs write is the complexity of the encryption being made. While the codes people normally make could take just a few analytical hours or minutes to decipher, the ones made by computers are so complex that they cannot be able to be unraveled by practically anyone even for a lifetime. In fact, even other computers who would not be able to decipher the codes without the right decoder.
The function of file encryption go beyond the field of information technology – computer files and electronic messages, it is also used by other industries such as in the entertainment business. For instance, DVD movies are encrypted so that consumers could not easily convert digital video into VHS format. Encryption is also used in to scramble videos of pay-per-view channels and only those who would pay would be given the codes to unscramble the reception.
Perhaps the most important application for file encryption programs is for privacy protection of people and organizations. The most commonly known example is this would be the message encryption being done for confidential electronic messages and projects being sent via the Internet. Another example would be the decryption used for telephone conversations and satellite transmissions that help protect the security of concerned parties.
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How To Make An FUD Crypter?

Finding a Crypter that is FUD is something that has high demand nowadays. I noticed that many people are trying to learn how to make their own crypters because it is more reliable. Below are 2 solutions to help you go about doing this, the typical route and the easy route.

The Typical Route…
Typically people code their own from scratch or just learn how to modify an existing crypter source to make them FUD. The majority of these people seems to be using visual basic 6 as the programming language in which is the easiest to use. Learning to code a crypter requires a lot of dedication and effort, but to also make it FUD can be a hazzle unless your taking the right approach. If you never heard of vb6 and never programmed before, I suggest you save yourself time and just modify an already existing crypter source and try to make it FUD. You can always buy an FUD crypter, if you choose to, which can save a lot of time.
There are some vb6 crypter sources in the crypter sources section. You can start by learning the basics and then learn from these sources. After this, you must learn the main part and the hardest part.. making it FUD. To give you an idea of the different methods used to making a crypters source code undetectable, here are some basic examples:
  • Adding junk code for modifying execution flow and various other reasons
  • Changing and/or encrypting strings..
  • Changing variable names
  • Changing the order of all code aspects.
  • Change Assembly information
  • Add or change icon
The list goes on and on… The main thing is to be very creative and to try many variations of ideas and techniques that you think may confuse/distract/deceive anti-viruses. This will definitely require dedication and effort, but will be easy once you get the hang of it. With a good set of technique and practice also makes the it easier.

The Easy Route…
There has never been an actual step by step guide on doing this, until now. If you do not want to do all the hard work yourself and still want a leading edge, ‘The Crypter BluePrint’ guide is your best bet. It is an in depth and simple to read. I created this e-book for all who wants to learn. It can even give you step by step in making any crypter source FUD without having to code a single thing from scratch..
The Crypter BluePrint is exclusive so you are very lucky if you get your hands on it, not to mention, most people who don’t have it will wish they did.
